Leonceault Chapdelaine

"So comes snow after the fire - and even dragons have their endings."

WU/T Friendly | 21+ | Crystal
Diabolos | Eastern Standard Time (NA)


General Information

Name: Leonceault Chapdelaine (Myste)
Nickname(s): Leon, Leo, the Pride of Halone, Little Prince
Age: 42
Name Day: 31st Sun of the First Astral Moon (01/30)
Race / Clan: Elezen / Ishgardian (Wildwood ancestry)
Gender: Cisgender male
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Heterosexual
Status: Single (Smitten?)
Role: Switch, heavy dominant lean
Occupation: Temple Knight of Ishgard
Place of Residence: The Pillars, Ishgard
Tattoos / Scars: None / Littered across whole body, apparent claw marks.
Height: 6'10"
Weight: Early-mid 200's
Body Type: Muscular, lanky
Voice claim: Adrian Hough as Haytham Kenway
Alignment: Neutral Good

Strength⯁ ⯁ ⯁ ⯁ ⯁
Dexterity⯁ ⯁ ⯁
Constitution⯁ ⯁ ⯁ ⯁
Intelligence⯁ ⯁ ⯁
Wisdom⯁ ⯁ ⯁ ⯁
Charisma⯁ ⯁ ⯁ ⯁ ⯁


  • Chivalrous

  • Charitable

  • Gallant

  • Charming

  • Proper


  • Romantic

  • Analytical

  • Stubborn

  • Collected

  • Methodical


  • Melancholic

  • Detached

  • Skeptical

  • Foolhardy

  • Insecure


  • Chivalrous: Less in the way of men towards women, this refers more to traditional chivalry as it refers to knighthood - courageous, full of honor, courteous, and a readiness to serve. These qualities made it so Leonceault rose quick in the ranks as a Knight of Ishgard.

  • Charitable: Being a baseborn, Leonceault knows what it is to want - he tries to make sure no one else has to suffer the same fate if it is within his power.

  • Gallant: Spirited, dashing, and with ornate expressions of politeness, Leonceault oozes the qualities expected of his profession and tends to do them up with style. It makes him able to better fit into his station in the Pillars.

  • Charming: As one could expect with Leonceault's chivalry also comes a sort of pleasantness about him. He is often delightful to be around, and always mindful of his behavior around others so as not to offend.

  • Proper: A lowborn shouldn't be as proper as he is, and yet it almost seems part of his aether at this point - he reeks of propriety, and conforms to traditional standards and manners.


  • Romantic: This goes further than just the notion of love - Leonceault is an idealist first and foremost behind the guise of all the propriety. Sometimes unrealistic expectations are prone to let-downs.

  • Analytical: Leonceault is always breaking apart things and assessing them, from people's motives to the intentions of adversaries in the battlefield. It makes him great at picking people apart and reading them, but can be overbearing when used too often.

  • Stubborn: He didn't get to his station in life by being complacent - he'll relentlessly power through any obstacle thrown at him. While admirable, it's also a lot to deal with if who he is being stubborn to is you.

  • Collected: Leonceault tends to keep his wits around him at most times - good in stressful situations, but bad when needing to show genuine emotional reaction.

  • Methodical: Strategy is everywhere in Leonceault's mind - whether it be on the battlefield or his interpersonal relationships with people. While his deliberate nature is wonderful when at war, humans oftentimes do not follow such a rulebook.


  • Melancholic: Deep under the guise of a chivalrous, charming knight lies a simple man who has experienced mourning and loss. He is not prone to showing it, but that does not mean it is not there.

  • Detached: Getting too close to people is dangerous - it can only lead to heartache. Because of this mindset, Leonceault is prone to putting on a facade and keeping an arm's distance from most.

  • Skeptical: What do you do when the doctrine you grew up believing turned out to be a farce? The revelations about the Dragonsong War and the implications of The Holy See of Ishgard have left Leonceault slow to trust not only those in power, but also everyone else.

  • Foolhardy: When a trigger is pushed, sometimes Leonceault is prone to putting himself in harm's way and being recklessly brave, regardless of his own personal safety. What is a knight if not self-sacrificial?

  • Insecure: Will he ever be good enough for the Pillars, being a lowborn? Will he ever be able to go back to the Brume, to the people who will never judge him for having nothing and nothing to offer? Leonceault sees himself stuck between two worlds - and it leads him to be insecure with his place in life.


I do prefer Leonceault's backstory to come out through roleplay, but here's the cliffnotes version. Please note, unless otherwise stated, this is all OOC information - your character will not know it. No omniscience allowed.


  • Born to unknown parentage, Leonceault was left at the steps of the Brume orphanage with nothing but the blanket that swaddled him and a note with his first name, where he grew up in inhospitable circumstances, as most parentless children did.

  • Had a childhood friend who later became a sweetheart. After aging out of the system, Leonceault took her hand in eternal bonding and made her his wife.

  • Eager to provide for his new family, Leonceault took on odd, menial labor in Foundation to bring in a pittance of a wage. A change in circumstance lead Leonceault to have a change in employment, which set him on his path to Knighthood.

  • Leonceault lost his marriage around this time. He does not speak often of what happened to his wife - and if asked, he will simply reply that she is no longer with him.

  • Free of restraints and the expectation of a family, Leonceault threw his all into Knighthood, starting as a Knight of House Durendaire, before moving to a Temple Squire, and finally a Temple Knight of Ishgard.


  • With the separation of church and state, Ishgard became a republic and so came the end of the Dragonsong War. With Ishgard's joining of the Eorzean Alliance and later the Grand Company of Eorzea, they helped to fend off the Garlean menace until its eventual close.

  • While still maintaining training in his role as a Temple Knight, Leonceault is presently enjoying a rather long period of tranquility. He is using this time to aid restoration efforts in the Firmament, as a way to give back to the place from whence he came.

And so the story continues...

Hooks & Rumors.


  • Climbing the Ladder: Despite the attempts at evening the class divide in Ishgard, it's a slow process. What's a Brume boy doing in the Pillars? Whether you're low or high born, you're sure to have your thoughts about his standing in life.

  • Heavy Lies the Mantle: The Temple Knights are not a small organization, even with the change of Ishgard from a Theocracy to a Republic. Perhaps you share a station with him?

  • What are you Doing in a Place like This?: Those are sure some fancy clothes for such a ramshackle establishment. Despite his perceived taste for finery, Leonceault seems prone to cheap swill, such a mead and lager. Maybe you notice him sticking out like a sore thumb in some dive somewhere?

  • Far from Home: It wasn't so long ago that Ishgard was an isolationalist state - what's a Ishgardian in full regalia doing outside stone walls?


  • One of them Greystones: Some say he has an odd resemblance to some members of a certain Lesser House in Foundation, so the whispers go.

  • Streetwalker Blood: Not only the Father, but also the Mother? Rumors of bastard blood is bad enough, but the disgrace of a harlot's lineage looms even heavier.

  • Cheating the System: Lowborns don't climb the social ladder like this, it just doesn't happen. What unspeakable things did he do to go from Foundation to Pillars?

  • All that Glitters is not Gold: Pretty boy, family man, honorable Knight, charitable donor - it must all be a farce for men that perfect do not exist in the world. The underbelly says they've seen a gold-haired man in the Brume seeking the pleasures of female company, and the release only substance can give.


Yuma Ittetsu

Little lady, what are you doing so far from home?

"She happened upon me by chance after an unfortunate injury in the depths of the Brume. She may have very well saved my life, and for that I am grateful. She's a bit of a fish out of water, and I've been trying to get her acclimated to Ishgard ever since."


  • IC ≠ OOC: It goes without saying, but I am not my character. Please respect that difference before engaging in roleplay with me, it'll lead to a lot less drama.

  • RP Tag: If my RP tag is on, it means I am ready and willing to engage in roleplay with whomever! If it is off, you may still ask, but it likely means I am busy doing other things in game.

  • 21+ Roleplay IC and OOC: I roleplay adult and mature themes and am far passed 21 years old myself, and as such, I would appreciate if whomever I am roleplaying with is an adult, as well as the character they are roleplaying.

  • Not Available: I am happily taken IRL - please note that even if our characters are in a relationship, that does not mean I am interested in one OOC. Again, IC does not equal OOC, please do not make any moves on me.

  • Para/Multi Para RPer: Please note I do tend to RP long-form for the most part, but don't be shy to approach me if you RP short-form! I will do my best to match my RP pace to my partner.

  • Health: Please note the player suffers from a myriad of different diagnosed health issues, both mental and physical. Sometimes this means I'll be too worn out to really RP or play FFXIV, so I really appreciate your understanding if I take a day or two off sometimes!

  • Contact: I usually only give my Discord out to people that I get to know in game first, either through RP or OOC conversation. Please don't be hurt if I don't give it out to you right away, I mean nothing bad by it!

  • ERP: I have no problems with erotic writing, but would ask that any ERP encounters with Leonceault be plot-driven. I don't really feel comfortable with random ERP just for the sake of it unless you're a really good friend. (No Lala and Hrothgar please.)

  • Walk-Ups and OOC Planning Welcome: I'm shy af and slow to approach people, but I'm actually a nice person, I promise. I really love discussing plots with people! Please come say hi, even if it's in my /tells, and let me know what plots you have in mind.